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Another way to knit a border onto your shawl

So far I have been picking up stitches along the 2 sides of the triangle in order to knit my borders for my shawls.    I would like to be able to knit them perpendicular to the triangle edge and join at the end
of the row.

I found this tutorial today and tried it out on some sample woven pieces:

First you need to knit a triangle..sort of a half miter. Then I knitted to the end of row 1 pattern. Then I picked up a stitch(stitch 11) and passed stitch 10 over stitch 11.
This got my number of stitches back down to 10.
Then I turned the work and knitted back the other way.   This way you are joining every other row.
 For me this looked nicer than a k2tog.

Also for the mitered part I wrapped my stitches using the short row techniques... I think it gives you a nicer look.

I think when it comes time to use it on a design I might want to write out the short row part.. that way I can integrate part of the border into the short rows.

Also you need to end with another triangle.. kind of like the other half miter.


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